
We know building a brand can be overwhelming, so we hold your hand along the process.


Web design
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We inspire brands to define their identities creating amazing brand experiences.

We collaborate by bringing your expertise, your ideas, and your views on board with our digital branding services. We create a brand identity design with you, to ensure that your business brand remains authentic to your company origins. And we won't go ahead on things like the branding process, brand strategy, logo design, or creation of brand guidelines unless we have your approval and input.
Client Logo


BRand Guide
Market Positioning
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We develop strategies that put brands at the center of today's market.

We get to understand you, your brand, your market, your consumers. We get to the heart of your branding strategy, and understand the reasons behind certain brand elements like your  image, voice, and message design. We assess your competition, analyse your potential customers and even evaluate the success of your marketing campaigns.


Sales strategy
Financial Analysis
People and Talent
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We examine your brand from all angles to unlock fast, profitable growth.



Social Media
Data analysis
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We guide the brands' communication and marketing decisions by creating content that consumers will find valuable.

We refine, using feedback and A/B testing to build the brand you’ve desired all along. We make sure your new brand identity and business branding efforts have a strong brand voice, are able to instigate brand awareness, and have a range of beautifully designed unique digital assets like an engaging website design, and social media branding materials, to engage and entice potential customers.


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We help founders run a smooth fundraising process so they can get back to business faster.

Product-market fit isn’t the same as fundraising fit. 70% of funded startups run out of cash prior to raising their next round. VCs and Angel investors hesitate to invest because they doubt a venture’s ability to scale, and even those founders who are successful often spend over 6 months scrambling to build the conviction they need to close. By proactively bridging the founder-investor information gap, and building the right relationships, we can help founders raise capital faster.

The Lab

Angel investing
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We support responsible and sustainable brands that positively impact our society and the planet.

We invest in entrepreneurs with big ideas and support them to build strong brands that move the world forwards. We  focus on digital lifestyle, operating at the intersection of technology and creativity.

Let's bring your brand to the next level

Let us examine your brand from all angles to unlock fast, profitable growth—freeing you from the burden of figuring it out alone.
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